Mental Health

cognitive development in adolescence

Understanding Stress Tolerance and Cognitive Development in Adolescence, Plus Tips for Parents!

Parenting teenagers is no easy feat, especially when mental health challenges arise. At Ridge RTC, we excel in fostering cognitive development in adolescence and building stress tolerance for those in our care. But we also want to share valuable tips for parents supporting teens outside our program. Here’s what you need to know to guide […]

Understanding Stress Tolerance and Cognitive Development in Adolescence, Plus Tips for Parents! Read More »

How Residential Programs for Teens Can Positively Impact Teens

Teen mental health is on the decline. Fortunately, there are several effective mental health treatment options available – including residential care.  Residential programs for teens offer targeted mental health care for adolescents in an environment where teens can really focus on health and healing. Residential facilities are more intensive than outpatient care or general therapy.

How Residential Programs for Teens Can Positively Impact Teens Read More »

questions to ask residential treatment facilities

Questions to Ask Residential Treatment Facilities Before Enrolling Your Teen

Watching your teen struggle with their mental health can be one of the hardest things you do as a parent, and getting them the right level of help can be one of the most important.  Residential treatment facilities provide comprehensive care in a home-like environment, with stays generally lasting around 30 to 90 days. Depending

Questions to Ask Residential Treatment Facilities Before Enrolling Your Teen Read More »

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