Teen Relational Trauma and Relational Trauma Therapy
Relational trauma isn’t just another buzzword—it’s a prominent contributor to a variety of mental, physical, and psychological issues in teens. All too often, the signs of this kind of trauma slip through the cracks, going unnoticed until they manifest into more severe complications. That’s exactly why we’re here.
At Ridge RTC, we offer teen relational trauma therapy that helps our patients navigate their mental health through any and all types of trauma. This includes treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), emotional neglect, or other trauma-related issues.
But healing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It’s a collaborative effort. That’s why we’re committed not just to our teen patients but also to their families and caregivers. We provide the insights and tools necessary for you to effectively support your teenager through the challenges of complex relationship trauma and recovery.
What is Relational Trauma?
Relational trauma is a type of trauma that is caused by mental, physical, or psychological abuse from a family member or close friend.
The individual who causes relational trauma is one whom you would expect to trust, such as a parent or other caregiver. Because of this emotional attachment, relational trauma is often referred to as complex or attachment trauma, and the closeness of the relationship may make it difficult to spot – or easy to conceal – the existence of acute or ongoing traumatization.
What Causes Teen Trauma within Relationships?
Many circumstances may warrant relational trauma counseling. Here are some of the most common underlying causes of trauma within relationships.
Emotional abandonment is when a parent or guardian disregards the emotional needs of their dependent. This type of abandonment ranges from failing to express the necessary love a child needs to refuse to show emotional support in times of crisis. This tends to occur during the most vital developmental stages of life. In turn, this causes a lot of relational-induced childhood trauma that can lead to the development of numerous mental health disorders and conditions.
Emotional abandonment of a child happens for a variety of reasons, both intentional and unintentional. These reasons include but are not limited to, parents who are overwhelmed or preoccupied with individual struggles or parents who are themselves struggling with issues stemming from emotional neglect.
Physical abandonment trauma involves the absence of one or more guardians in a child’s life, such as through separation or divorce. The most scarring type of physical abandonment generally involves intentional abandonment or separation, which can cause or exacerbate mental and physical instability in a child’s life.
Psychological abuse in the context of relational trauma refers to having a parent or guardian who is mentally manipulative and both intentionally and maliciously trying to influence the way a child thinks and feels. A guardian who inflicts psychological abuse will often be overly involved in a child’s daily decision-making and a child’s personal and emotional life. This disrupts a teen’s ability to develop independent thoughts or ideas without the assertion of the parent or guardian.
A narcissistic parent or guardian is a self-absorbed caregiver who thinks their needs and well-being take precedence over their dependents. This results in a controlling home environment that is mentally and emotionally damaging to teens and children.

It often takes a trained eye to spot the signs and symptoms of complex relationship trauma, and recovery can look different depending on the type of relational trauma that occurred. However, entering a program at a treatment center that can focus on relational trauma can be immensely helpful for teens struggling with these types of issues, and it’s worth getting a professional opinion on whether counseling would be beneficial.
Some of the signs a mental health professional will look for when diagnosing relational trauma include:
Teens with relational trauma may not know how to express or vent their underlying traumatic experiences. As such, they can be prone to getting angry for little or no reason, and this anger may present alongside depression, feelings of emptiness, or problems at home.
Teens or adolescents facing trauma with friends or family relations will often seclude themself from social situations. This means they will avoid public gatherings and even family events outside of their very enclosed circle. This reclusive behavior may also be a result of a controlling home environment. Reach out to the appropriate medical treatment facilities if you notice any disturbing out-of-the-ordinary reclusive behavior.
Teen rebellion is nothing new. And while it’s widely regarded as normal behavior, it can also be a clue that a teen is struggling with relationship trauma. It’s essential to look at rebellious behavior in context to determine whether it’s standard acting out or a sign that there is something more going on.
Rates of adolescent depression are on the rise, jumping from 8.1% in 2009 to 15.8% in 2019. Symptoms of a depressive disorder can include feelings of loneliness or insignificance and may stem from an abusive or traumatic relationship. Because symptoms can worsen if left untreated, it’s essential to get teens the help they need for depression and to take the time to listen to a child’s needs or struggles patiently.
It’s normal for teens to be uncomfortable with themselves in some shape or form. But for some, low self-esteem is a silent cry for help and should be met with attentiveness, sympathy, love, and support.
Ridge is a residential treatment center that offers short-term or bridge mental health treatment options specifically for adolescents. This includes programs dedicated toward relational trauma recovery and the many ways it can manifest in a child’s life.
Here are just a few of the ways we support our patients at our relational trauma treatment center.
Our top-notch assessment specialists can help identify undiagnosed trauma-based issues. The assessment phase is a vital part of relational trauma counseling at Ridge RTC. It is used to pinpoint underlying causes of trauma and come up with a personalized treatment plan based on an individual’s unique challenges and objectives.
The greatest way to combat and overcome any form of trauma is to have strong support systems in place. Thus, we help teens formulate strong connections with peers, therapists,, and loved ones, with plenty of opportunities for open-ended communication between patients and their trusted supporters. For that reason, offer both family therapy and group therapy for teens.
Stabilization therapy is the foundation for any successful recovery, especially as it pertains to trauma-based mental conditions. This form of treatment helps teens achieve mental peace with prior traumas and is backed by evidence-based techniques that allow teens to address their trauma in a safe, effective, and proactive manner.
Our programs go the extra mile by providing on-site psychiatric assistance for those who need more one-on-one treatment. This includes a full-spectrum evaluation that can help diagnose additional mental health issues caused by relational trauma.
Medically-based therapy involves medications in conjunction with individual on-site therapy sessions. All of these sessions and medications are administered at the guidance and discretion of a medical professional. This allows your doctor to closely monitor your progress, while meticulously charting the most individualized treatment that works for you.
The tools we teach at Ridge RTC are intended to support teens through recovery from relational trauma and for the rest of their lives. Don’t let another moment go by without getting your loved one the top-quality mental health treatment they deserve. Reach out to us today to learn more about our residential treatment center for teens and enroll in a teen-specific relational trauma treatment program in Maine or New Hampshire.